The list of our 2009 Bloggers:
- Schole: Fr. James Coles, St. Ignatius Church, Mesa, AZ
- Orthodox Praxis: Fr. Dcn. George P. Bithos, Transfiguration Church, Austin, TX
- Observations from an Empty Well: Fr. John McCuen, Holy Archangels Church, Phx, AZ
- Redeeming the Time: Fr. Seraphim Holland, St. Nicholas Church, McKinney, TX
- Dagnabit!: Fr. Stephen Lourie, St. George Church, Altoona, PA
- 30 Days: Fr. Matthew Thurman, St. Luke Church, Solon, OH
- Be Transfigured!: Fr. Athanasios Haros, Transfiguration Church, Florence, SC
- Fr. Peter-Michael Preble: Fr. Peter Preble, St. Michael Church, Southbridge, MA
- Papamike’s Ponderings: Fr. Michael Winn, Holy Spirit Seminary, Ottawa, Ontario
- Ramblings of a Redneck Priest: Fr. John Moses, All Saints of America, Middlebrook, VA
- Shine Within Our Hearts: Fr. David Eynon, Annunciation Church, Decatur, IL