by St. Augustine of Hippo Our father among the saints, Augustine is one of the great Church Fathers of the fourth century. He was the eldest son of Saint Monica. At the end of his life (426-428) Augustine revisited his previous works in chronological order and suggested what he would have said … [Read more...]
Second Sermon on the Annunciation
by St. Gregory the Wonderworker Our father among the saints, Gregory the Wonderworker, also known as Gregory Thaumaturgus or Gregory of Neocaesarea, was a Christian bishop of the 3rd century. The Theotokos and Apostle John appeared to St. Gregory in a dream, and taught him about the Holy … [Read more...]
On The Annunciation
by St. Ambrose of Milan Our father among the saints Ambrose of Milan came to be bishop of Milan as the only competent candidate to succeed Auxentius, a bishop of Arian persuasion, in 374. A catechumentheology through intense study of subject as he was successively baptized and then consecrated as … [Read more...]