by St. Nikolai VelimirovichAs the thief is ashamed when caught, so shall the house of Israel be ashamed: They who say to apiece of wood, 'You are my father' and to a stone 'You gave me birth:' They turn to Me their backs, nottheir faces; yet in time of trouble they cry out,`Rise up and save us !' " … [Read more...]
Is the Veneration of the Cross Idolatry?
by Fr. John Whiteford Another grand slam from the Bible - from Fr. John's "Stump the Priest" column Question: How would you answer a Protestant who considered our veneration of the Cross (bowing down before it and kissing it) to be idolatry? First we should consider whether or not bowing down … [Read more...]
Day 31: Idolatry
The topic for Sunday, December 15 – Day 31 of our 30 (40) Days of Blogging is IDOLATRY The Worship of Idols This has less to do with seasonal materialism than with militant secularization and neo-paganism, both of which are a lot more entrenched than you imagine. … [Read more...]