Septuagint (LXX) text vs. Masoretic (MT) text Old Testament - know your Bible! by Fr. John Whiteford In the "Encyclical of the Eastern Patriarchs" of 1848, which was a reply to the epistle of Pope Pius IX, "To The Easterns," the Patriarchs of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem, … [Read more...]
Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew
by Fr. Joseph Gleason I used to believe the Masoretic Text was a perfect copy of the original Old Testament. I used to believe that the Masoretic Text was how God divinely preserved the Hebrew Scriptures throughout the ages. I was wrong. The oldest copies of the Masoretic Text … [Read more...]
Guns, Lies and Forgeries: A Bible Story
By Robert E. Reis This article originally appeared on Mystagogy, the blog of John Sanidopoulos under the Title: Septuagint vs. Masoretic: Which is more authentic? Not even taking into account that the Septuagint is most often quoted in the New Testament, and therefore most often used by St. Paul … [Read more...]