Preach on this topic this weekend. O Master, Lord our God, Who didst hear Elijah the Tishbite because of his zeal for Thee, and for a time didst command that rain be held back from being sent unto the earth, and again at his prayer didst grant it fruit-bearing rain: Do Thou Thyself, O Master of … [Read more...]
On The Jesus Prayer
by St. John Chrysostom Our father among the saints, John (347-407), Archbishop of Constantinople, was a notable Christian bishop and preacher from the fourth and fifth centuries in Syria and Constantinople. He is famous for eloquence in public speaking and his denunciation of abuse of authority … [Read more...]
On Thoughts During Prayer
by St. Isaac the Syrian Our venerable father among the saints Isaac of Syria, also known as Isaac of Nineveh, is a 7th century saint known for his strict asceticism and ascetic writings. St. Isaac is fully accepted as a saint in the Orthodox Church, though during his lifetime, he was … [Read more...]