by Fr. Aris Metrakos Scripture separated from its context can be confusing, misleading, and even destructive. Take the well-worn Bible college criticism of the way Orthodox and Roman Catholic faithful address their clergy, Matthew 23:9 (call no man father). The literal application of Mark … [Read more...]
Let’s Get Real About Priestly Indiscretion
by Fr. Aris Metrakos This article contains excellent advice for anyone contemplating the priesthood or discerning a vocation in the Orthodox Church (or any 'church' for that matter). Fr. Aris nails it. Aren't we disgusted with the shocking number of high-profile cases of priests engaged in … [Read more...]
Brother, Can You Spare A Paradigm?
by Fr. Aris Metrakos This essay was first published June 30, 2006 on, and not only uncovers the dangers of old paradigms of priestly identity, but also reveals the only one of value in the Church. We reproduce it here with permission. Is it time to retire "paradigm shift?" This … [Read more...]